
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Longing for the crunchy

I have a big big sweet tooth. Like, big. Like, epic big. I eat less of the actual meal so I can binge on deserts. Deserts fo' life yo! Unfortunately this also gives diabetes, so I have to watch it (booo).

This honey-nut brittle thing looks so tasty. I can't guaranee I'll make it given my horrible kitchen skills. I just think the world deserves to know about this tasty little treat (can't you just taste it in your mouth by simply looking the the picture? Taste the honey man, and the smooth surface of nuts coated with honey. Now take a bite into the hard honey and feel the nuts crack between your teeth. Chew chew chew. Yum...).

Full of cheek

These accessories by Locher's are so adorable. So innocent looking, yet so betraying. Love the juxtaposition of text and imagery. Also, they're 40% off now!

^^ My favourite