
Thursday, September 1, 2011

So emotional not really

I bought this H&M sweater yesterday when I went on an impulsive and very expensive shopping spree (I bought many other things too). When le life turns out to be very upsetting, you gotta let off steam somehow... that wasn't a very good excuse was it? Oh, my monieees... Fortunately this sweater didn't do too much damage on my credit card, $9.95's worth.

Maybe I should buy another sweater and shred the life out of it (*stab stab* why is everything so unfair, why why why? *continue stabbing*), and voila, a Rodarte-esque sweater. Now I can go out and show off my cheap-but-"expensive"-but-not-really-it-does-look-cheap-discarded-even sweater, a product of life sucking at times and me acting upon it.

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