I have been ignoring this space lately. Simply because I decided to be selfish and pretend I was studying for an exam, whereas I was surfing other blogs, reading books, watching anime episodes (new spring animes xxxholic kei, Kure-nai, Bus Gamer; old animes Bleach, Naruto Shippuden, Ouran... you name it), eating like a pig, sleeping 12+ hours, browing eBay endlessly, hawking items I'd like, checking finances to make sure I'm not poor, blah blah blah. Basically, I've done everything I could possibly do under the sun except study for the finals and feed my greed (a.k.a post here).
No matter! I shall start today as soon in a few hours time I shall be free of the jingy-jangly unaccessorizable chains binding me from freely posting here. So um, yeah. Just thought I should let a bit of my thoughts out here too.