Long time no post. I miss this place. Its been two years since I closed this place down to concentrate on other stuff that was taking over my life (school, work, uh school, work, disagreeable parents, et cetera, et cetera).
But now its all been dealt with and I have all the free time in the world. Literally. Other than a part-time job, I have nothing to do... And I kind of lack a life (uhm lack of friends... who are not as free as I am).
So I figured I should start making my giant wish list again, of all the things I'd like to enjoy and own one day. No, I didn't stop dreaming of buying stuff in the last two years and I didn't stop buying either (ah disposable income that I take for granted, besides the ability to 'not buy' has to be classified as a super power or something, in today's age, 'not buying' does not exist, no matter where and who we are talking about. Another topic to be/maybe discussed in a different post?).
I hereby declare this space to be officially active again, so here is to restarting this blog! Virtual strawberry jell-o for everyone!

(If you'd like to enjoy these delish looking red cubes in real life though, please visit http://www.daveandstephanie.info/2009/01/strawberry-pretzel-jello-salad.html).
Stay tuned for many want-but-don't-need-but-really-want-so-it-becomes-a-need-and-I-will-find-a-reason-to-buy-it-one-day posts to come!
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